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PEST CONTROL - 14 of 17

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a good break - I certainly did. There was a whoooooole load of sleeping, it was The Best.

I haven't had many entries for the reader art competition yet, so if you're thinking about maybe sending something in before the end of Jan, you've got a statistically excellent chance of winning, is all I'm saying ...

Reader Art Competition
Send in a piece of Spare Keys or Kaspall based reader art between now and the end of January, and you'll be in with a chance to win an A4 watercolour and ink pic by me of the SK or Kaspall character of your choice. I'm running this to provide a little extra content for when the baby-hiatus starts, and will be happy to link your own website when your piece goes up.

All content © Lucy Lyall. All rights reserved.