Spare Keys for Strange Doors
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PEST CONTROL - 17 of 17

Well, the pic gives the headline, but if you want further details ... initially I was planning to bring SK back almost straight away after finishing Kaspall; however, I've spent a bit of time thinking about it, and I've decided to delay until the start of next year.

I have, amongst other things, an imminent house-move (with toddler :/) to prepare for, plus the Christmas holidays coming up - and I know if I re-started the comic now, I would very shortly need to take breaks for both those events. I would rather use the time before Christmas to get these things sorted, and build up a bit of buffer if possible - then I can get going in the new year with a clear run and no 'break week' for a good while.

I'm planning to post a few pics of my progress on my Facebook, Twitter and G+ profiles, so feel free to follow there if you are interested! However, I most likely won't be posting any more content on either of my sites until I start updating SK again on the 7th Jan. I hope to see you then!

Well ..... that's that.

Spare Keys is on indefinite hiatus from now on. Feeling pretty sad, to be honest - I've really enjoyed making these stories, and I'm going to miss Toby and Marion. :( Feel like I should make a speech or something, but can't think of anything to say, other than I'll be doing my best to get back to this comic as soon as possible ...

Next week, I will be putting up a new mailing list link - this will be a guaranteed-one-email-only list, which will let you know when SK is starting up again. If you have already signed up to the weekly or completed story mailing lists, you'll be getting one of those automatically.

I'll also be putting up a random SK image which I haven't drawn yet, so I don't know what it is. I would start putting up the reader art, but I did say you'd have until the end of Jan to get something in - so I'll be putting up the winner the week after.

All content © Lucy Lyall. All rights reserved.