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Keep Digging - 19 of 67

Edit 10/01/2019: First off, Happy New Year and all that!
Secondly ... afraid I won't be updating this week as planned. After much swearing and irritation, I've decided that I need to change the entire layout of page 20 - and as I'd already got past the inking stage with the current version, I'm not going to be able have it ready until next week. Many apologies ...


Original post
This was originally going to be one page (minus the last two panels), but when I finally sat down to draw it, it felt like I was cramming far too much into the space. So, now it's two pages. However, seeing as virtually nothing happens on page one, I tried to get them both done and .... well, I almost managed it?

I will hopefully get the shading done in the next couple of days and swap these out for the finished versions.

All content © Lucy Lyall. All rights reserved.