Spare Keys for Strange Doors
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And oh wow, it's been quite the first day? It's not even been 24 hours yet, and it's already over halfway funded - I can hardly believe it! Thank you so much to everyone who has pledged so far, you are all absolutely amazing!

If you don't want to buy the book, but would still like to support the project, then any likes or shares of posts on my Twitter or Facebook would be gratefully recieved (or any sharing of links on any of the other social media sites that I've yet to get my act together on). It's me versus The Algorithm this month, and I'll be delighted with any support you can give!

The story I'm currently posting is an autobio short that was included in the 2021 SpiderForest Anthology Threads: Secret Places.

I've also had a tidy up of the website - all the art that was posted during the time I was working on getting the book ready, has now been moved to the Gallery page.

All content © Lucy Lyall. All rights reserved.